Similarities in Religion

Althoug religions are different, they have many similarities, in case of Lebanon where the majority follow a monoteistic faith all religions call for the worship of a One Superior Being , God, which for Chritians and Muslims Arabs, it is Allah.

Many commun things exist in these religions, as the existence of a Holy Book, the existence of many Prophets and Saints, the end of the days with a final judgement etc...

Moreover, all religions encourage people work on goodness, honesty, morality, compassion. In all religions you are instructed to do and not to do several things  like: don’t steal, dont kill, dont’ lie, don’t  be jealous, don’t desire the prohibited, dont hurt people etc...

In Judaism, see Leviticus 19:18 NIB. "What is hateful to you, do not do to your fellowman."
In Christianity, see Luke 6:31 NIB. "Do to others as you would have them do to you."
In Islam, Prophet Muhammad(pbuh): "No one of you is a believer until he desires for his brother that which he desires for himself."

 Also many other things that you should do, take care of youserlf, keep promises, be good to your parents, pray, ask for forgiveness, repenting, acts of charity, be good with your neighboor, fast, and many other rituals and things that you have to do, or many behavior that u must have, in  order to be considered as a believer of the faith.

Those who have beautiful and good behavior are going to be rewarded and those who don’t have such good actions can be punished. Eternal Heaven or Eternal Hell is promised by God to us, the children of Adam.

For the Druse it's reincarnation the process after death. You assume the form of another being after you die, usually with no memory of what you once were. Sometimes you'll be reincarnated many times until you reach perfection, or something similar. But if you were a druze in the past-life you will certainly be a druze now, that is why no one can became a druze, because if he was not a druze in the past- life, there is no sense for him to be a druze now.

In the religions recognized here in Lebanon, one man and/or woman were created first, and from them, came the rest of mankind. Some religions don’t see this as a real story that happens but  just  a metaphor of the truth story.  For others the story really happens, as they way is told in the Holy Bible, or in the Holy Quran.

Moreover another thing that I was observing here is that different than many Western Churches, in Lebanon some women  cover their heads while going to Churches or Sacred Places. That is one picture that I took, in the Lady of Mantara, at the entrance there are veils to Christians women cover their heads if they want to.

 In Addition many Druze Women also cover their head with the traditional white long veil, and also in Judaism Tzniut is a term frequently used with regard to the rules of dress for women. Married women are asked to put the veil and in some countries singles do it too. All religions ask for Men and specially women to dress in a modest, chaste, and respectful way.  

 One more thing that are in those religions is the existence of angels, and demons, which are part of the mystical, invisible cenary where we live in. Angels write our actions or protect ourselves, demons are wroking non-stop to make men fall into temptations. 

Life is shown to us like a game where you can win or lose, it is just one chance, but we have our entire life.Similarities in religions show that there are things that don’t change, and basic rules that are for all. We can conclude that good actions and behaviors are the base of any religion and symbolizes a great personality and bad actions is the base of the individual alone, because no religion is guilty of men’s ignorance.